Hill 43 at BS 685 916 was a Night Defensive Position (NDP) for land clearing operations by
the 59th Engineer Company (Land Clearing) from 20 Aug to 22 Sep 70.  Infantry companies
from the 1st Bn 6th Inf tasked with supporting the 59th Engineers divided into platoons to provide
local security for the dozers clearing land and to set ambushes in the surrounding area.
1970 photos provided by Ray Tyndall, B/1-6 Inf.

M551 General Sheridan light tank from H Trp.17th Cav used to provide local security for land
clearing operations in the vicinity of Hill 43.  The light tank had a four man crew and fired a
152mm gun/missile launcher.  Soldiers from B Co, 1st Bn 6th Inf (Ray Tyndall, Ray Mendez,
and ?) take a break and have a good view of the surrounding area in this 1970 photo.

In addition to the Sheridan light tank, several M113 APCs (Armored Personnel Carrier) from H Troop
17th Cav were used to provide local security for the land clearing dozers.  Armed with a .50 cal.
machinegun, the APCs were able to keep up with the dozers in the rough terrain.

The shower at Hill 43 with a Sheridan light tank in the background.  The night defensive position
(NDP) was approximately 200 m. in diameter and consisted of several berms of dirt to protect
the occupants from direct fire.  It was used by the 59th Engineer Land Clearing Company and
rotating units from the 1st Bn 6th Inf from 20 Aug to 22 Sep 1970.

View of the infamous "Athletic Field" (BS 680 920) to the west of Hill 43 in Sep '70.  The area was
heavily mined in 1970.  The mountains of the "Rocket Pocket" are visible in the distance, approximately
17 km to the west of Hill 43.  Photo provided by Gary "Mule" Phelps, 59th Engr. (Land Clearing)
1970 (GTKG70@aol.com)

Soldiers from B Co, 1st Bn 6th Inf, on an early morning patrol in 1970.  They are returning to Hill
43 after being at a night ambush position.  While one infantry platoon pulled security at the NDP,
the other platoons in the company set ambushes and patrolled near Hill 43.  The objective was to
prevent the Viet Cong from planting bombs and artillery shells as booby traps that would disrupt
the land clearing efforts of the 59th Engineers.

Read The Legacy of Hill 43 for additional information about combat operations and land clearing.

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